- Note: This meeting has been cancelled.
- Meetings: The first Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm
- Contact: khalidhawthorne@tremontwest.org to get access information to the virtual meeting.
Please check with Khalid Hawthorn to confirm the meeting time and location.
The Economic Development Committee guides Tremont West in establishing a vision, goals, and a plan for land use in the neighborhood; and oversees housing and development programs of the organization.
- Adopt clear and consistent procedures for regular meetings to afford architects, builders, and other development professionals reasonable opportunity to include their desired items for review.
- Provide architects, builders, property owners, and other development professionals specific details on their reporting and presentation responsibilities to Tremont block clubs, the Committee, and Tremont West board.
- Receive presentations from architects, builders, property owners, and other development professionals on proposed projects, identifying concerns, barriers, hurdles, etc., and documenting feedback from Committee members during meetings.
- Promote and guide discussions on community business and development issues that impact Tremont residents
- Work with Tremont West staff to identify and resolve issues that affect the integrity, security, and safety of area businesses and residential structures.
- Adopt and make recommendations on select development and housing issues to the Tremont West Board of Directors for its approval.