Meetings: The first Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm
Contact: [email protected] to get access information to the virtual meeting.
Please check with Cory Riordan to confirm the meeting time and location.
The Economic Development Committee guides Tremont West in establishing a vision, goals, and a plan for land use in the neighborhood; and oversees housing and development programs of the organization.
Adopt clear and consistent procedures for regular meetings to afford architects, builders, and other development professionals reasonable opportunities to include their desired items for review.
Provide architects, builders, property owners, and other development professionals specific details on their reporting and presentation responsibilities to Tremont block clubs, the Committee, and Tremont West board.
Receive presentations from architects, builders, property owners, and other development professionals on proposed projects, identifying concerns, barriers, hurdles, etc., and documenting feedback from Committee members during meetings.
Promote and guide discussions on community business and development issues that impact Tremont residents
Work with Tremont West staff to identify and resolve issues that affect the integrity, security, and safety of area businesses and residential structures.
Adopt and make recommendations on select development and housing issues to the Tremont West Board of Directors for its approval.