Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon

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Marathon and Half Marathon runners will be on a course through Duck Island and Tremont. Come cheer them on along the route! 7:45am-9:45am.

Visit their site for more information.
The  Rite-Aid Cleveland Marathon is coming to Duck Island and Tremont! On Sunday, May 19th, between the hours of 7:45 am and 9:45 am – thousands of runners plus fans and volunteers will be out and about experiencing first hand what welcoming and energetic neighborhoods we have in Tremont and Duck Island. We’re in the process right now of brainstorming ways that residents, business owners, churches and civic institutions can be more involved in the event.

Tremont West staff has a great desire to see people out cheering on the runners, hosting water stands, providing entertainment and music, etc the morning of the race.

To get involved in Duck Island and Tremont, contact Scott Rosenstein at Tremont West – 216.575.0920 X. 106 – or e-mail [email protected]


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