Tremont West Annual Membership Meeting

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6pm – Dinner 7pm – Meeting at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

Join Tremont West to celebrate all things Tremont! We will break bread together, present awards to neighborhood leaders, elect new board members and make new friends on Thursday evening, May 16th, 6pm at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church.

Are you interested in being a member of Tremont West?

Please note that according to the Code of Regulations, you must fill out a membership form to be a member of Tremont West Development Corporation. If you have not already done this since February of 2012, please do so as soon as possible. The deadline to be eligible to vote at the Tremont West Annual Membership meeting in May is April 1, 2019 Tremont West’€™s mission is to serve Tremont, Duck Island and Irishtown Bend by organizing inclusive community, building a unified neighborhood, and promoting a unique destination. Our neighborhoods’€™ best asset is the people who are members of this community, whether you live, work or play here. As a membership organization we seek to be responsive to community members’ needs. Tremont West operates numerous programs that can be divided into broad categories: housing, commercial/economic development, fund-raising/marketing, special events and community organizing.

Membership is a great way to show support for your community and qualifies residents and representatives of community businesses and institutions to vote on leadership, governance and community issues at the Annual Membership Meeting each May. Tremont West’s Board of Directors is comprised of 15 community members. These members are democratically elected by the membership on a rotating basis; each year the membership elects a Board President (one year term) and 4 or 5 Directors who will serve a three year term.

Other benefits of being a member of Tremont West include receiving the Inside Tremont newsletter delivered monthly to your mailbox as well as receiving weekly e-news – both printed and digital media include information about neighborhood projects, events, and activities. Best of all – membership provides a boost in your civic pride- to know that you have a voice in the future of our neighborhoods!

To be eligible for membership, you must be: At least 18 years of age or older; A resident of Tremont, Duck Island, or Irishtown Bend OR a representative of a local business or institution.
Membership in Tremont West is Free€“ there are no membership dues or fees. To apply, complete a Membership application, and submit it by e-mail or by US mail on or before April 1st, 2019 by 5:00pm to be eligible to vote at the May, 2019 Annual Membership Meeting. Applications received after this date will allow the applicant Voice but Not Vote at this year’€™s Membership Meeting (with full voting privileges to begin at the May, 2020 Membership Meeting).
You must only complete a Membership form once – and your membership continues in effect as long as you continue to be a resident or a representative of an ongoing business or institution in our neighborhoods (so if you’€™ve filled out a Membership form in the last six years already, you are good to go).
To apply for membership:
Download a Membership form at or request an application be e-mailed or mailed to you before April 1st.
For questions about membership or if you would like to confirm the status of your membership, please contact Scott Rosenstein at [email protected] or 216.575.0920 ext. 106.
Download the Form at: or call Scott Rosenstein at Tremont West, 216-575-0920, ext. 106, so that we may mail you a copy. The form must be mailed or dropped off to: Tremont West, 2406 Professor Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Would you like to volunteer on the Tremont West Board of Directors?

Tremont West Board of Directors (TWDC) is excited to share, we are seeking five (5) new members who want to help Tremont grow and prosper. Are you interested or do you know someone who is interested?
Please reach out to Joe Adler, Nominating Committee Chair, at [email protected] for information about what a board member does for our community and how to apply. Applicants will be asked to submit an application about why you are interested, what you would bring to TWDC, and how you would support our community. Elections will be held during May’€™s TWDC Annual Meeting — more details to come. We are seeking individuals who will be active participants for a three-year term. Contact us [email protected] to get started. Applications are due by April 13th. We look forward to hearing from you!


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