The Tremont West Code-of-Regulations requires our organization to hold the annual meeting in May. Due to COVID-19 we will be hosting the meeting in the same format as we did last year. We will be mailing our membership ballots along with instructions on how to submit the ballot for the Annual Meeting. In order to meet the spirit of the language of our Code of Regulations, and without provisions to allow for mail-in only voting, we will be hosting a day-long Annual Meeting. The meeting will be kicked off by the Board President by officially announcing the beginning of the meeting. The meeting will begin on May 20 at 12 pm, NOON. At which point, we will be collecting ballots at the office.
Our Board President, Joe Chura will open the meeting in the morning and Secretary, Ann Marie Riley will close the meeting with the announcement of quorum (or lack thereof) at 7:30pm.
Specific details will be mailed to members in early May, if you are a member and have not received your ballot by Wednesday, May 19, 2021 please email Scott Rosenstein at
He will be able to check your membership status. Additionally, we will have a number of posts throughout the day on Facebook Live. Follow the Annual Meeting at

This event has passed.