Registration Form for Latino & LGBTQ Emerging Artists Booths

Artists wishing to display works in the Latino and LGBTQ Emerging Artists Galleries muct complete the following application and registration form, as well as electronically submit examples of their work. Each artist must submit a minimum of two (2) (maximum five) examples of their artwork – formatted as .jpg files and sent via e-mail attachment. Submissions should be e-mailed to:
[email protected]

Criteria for entrance are as follows:
– artist must have no prior festival experience
– artist may display up to 5 pieces of art (can bring more if sold as long as properly recorded in inventory log)
– artist shall pay a fee of $15 non-refundable application fee (required of all artists)
– artist shall be present at the booth/gallery for a minimum of 4 hours during the course of the festival
– participate in a brief pre-festival organizational conference call
– acceptance into the festival will be pending review
– upon notice of acceptance, artist shall pay a $20 display fee

    Medium or Craft (please check all that apply)/Manualidad o tipo de arte: *

    Background/Bio Biografia - So that we might gather a bit of insight into your emergence as a local Latino or LGBTQ artist, please provide us with a brief overview of yourself and your craft: Para que podamos obtener un poco de informacion sobre su trayectoria come artista local latino o LGBTQ y una beve descripcion de usted y su obra: *

    Where did you hear about the Emerging Artist Booth? Donde/come se entero de la cabina de artistas emergentes? *
    Lincoln West High School/Escuela Lincoln WestYoung Latino Network/YLNCleveland Public Library/Biblioteca publica de ClevelandPlexus - LGBT Chamber of Commerce/ Plexus - Cámara de Comercio LGBTFacebookMerrick House website/Pagina de web de Merrick HouseFlyer at an Art Gallery/Publicidad en una galeria de arteFlyer at a Coffeehouse/Publicidad en una cafeteriaE-mail from an Art Gallery - Institution/Correo electronico de una galeria de arte - institucionLGBT Community Service Center of Greater Cleveland/Centro de servicio comunitario LGBT de ClevelandStonewall SportsJulia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center/ Centro Cultural de Artes Julia de BurgosCWRU - AIDS Clinical Trials Unit/Unidad de Ensayos Clínicos sobre el SIDA de Case Western ReserveWebsite page or Facebook page of Metro West Development/Página de web o página de Facebook de Metro WestWebsite page or Facebook page of Tremont West Development/Página de web o página de Facebook de Tremont WestWebsite page or Facebook page of Ohio City Inc./Página de web o página de Facebook de Ohio City Inc.Other Source/Otra fuente

    I am (check all that apply)
    Latino/a or HispanicAsianBlack or African AmericanNative American or American IndianNative Hawaiin or Pacific IslanderAppalachianWhite or CaucasianMultiracialMiddle Eastern or North AfricanI prefer not to say

    Do you identify as LGBTQ? *
    I prefer not to sayNoYesNot Sure

    Are you enrolled as a full-time student in High School or College? *

    Please Upload Images of Your Work (jpg, png or pdf – 10MB size limit):

    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3

    Image 4

    Image 5

    Rules and Guidelines*
    I have read rules and guidelines, and agree to abide by them.

    All applications are conditional pending review by festival staff to maintain the best interest and needs of the festival.

    By Submitting This Form I Understand And Agree To The Festival's Instructions And Regulations Set Forth In This Artist Booth Registration Application And Release The Tremont Arts & Cultural Festival And Sponsors From Any And All Liability Claims Arising Out Of Or Related To My Participation As A Booth Artist.

    You will be redirected to Paypal for $15.00 payment.

    Please Note: Payment must accompany your application

    Pay Via PayPal

    Please wait while you’re being redirected to PayPal.

    If you are not redirected within 1 minute, please click the link below to pay your $15 application fee. 

    Pay Via Check or Money Order

    Payable to: Tremont West Development Corp
    Amount: $15

    Mail to:

    TWDC / Arts & Cultural Festival
    2406 Professor
    Cleveland, OH 44113
    Attention: Scott Rosenstein

    If you have questions, please contact Festival Manager, Scott Rosenstein, at 216.575.0920 ext. 106 or [email protected]