

As a lively and active community, there is always something newsworthy happening in Tremont. You can find the latest news by viewing our press releases and monthly newsletter, Inside Tremont.

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In the News:

Furnishings for A Christmas Story’s Bumpus House Returned to 1940’s Glory

Furnishings for A Christmas Story's Bumpus House Returned to 1940's Glory CLEVELAND, OH - November 27, 2018 - When the folks from A Christmas Story House decided to open the next-door neighbor's house for rental, they called Sheldon Myeroff of Chagrin Valley Custom Furniture (CVCF) to restore, repair, and recreate vintage 1940's-style furniture for the house located in the Tremont District of Cleveland, Ohio. A Christmas Story is an iconic movie from 1983, filmed [...]

December 12th, 2018|News|

Get involved in the Neighborhood Food Drive!

Get involved in the Neighborhood Food Drive! November 27, 2018 Last year (2017/2018) featured the most participating block clubs (8): Auburn-Lincoln Park, Central Tremont, Duck Island, Holmden-Buhrer-Rowley/Mentor-Castle-Clark, Irishtown Bend, Metro North, and North of Literary  - up from four (4) in 2014 - and were joined by a Tremont West staff team.  Last season's holiday food drive featured the most canned goods, paper products and check donations collected  - the equivalent of 27,197 items [...]

November 27th, 2018|Events|

Tremont’s newest Community Art Project – “Seasons & Cycles” at the Gathering Place on Professor

Tremont's latest community art project, "Seasons and Cycles," installed June of 2018, is a colorful place maker in the form of a seating wall and planting bed on Professor Avenue in front of Tremont General Store. Initially proposed by TGS proprietor, Kevin Kubovcik , the idea took up legs in the form of a partnership between Tremont Community Artist in Residence Program and Central Tremont Block Club. CTBC applied for and received a grant from Tremont [...]

October 24th, 2018|Creative|

Celebrate Tremont 2018, Presented by Gustave Development

Celebrate Tremont 2018, Presented by Gustave Development September 4, 2018 Tickets are limited. Get yours today! Purchase your tickets through Eventbrite at or deliver your check or cash to Michelle Davis at the Tremont West office. Tickets to the event include: Hors d'oeuvres, food stations with a variety of entrees, sides and dessert  An open bar with beer, wine, liquor and soft drinks, including a specialty cocktail Entry into a drawing for $1,500 in [...]

October 4th, 2018|Events|

Tremont Employment Access Survey

Tremont Employment Access Survey August 28, 2018 My name is Maureen Riley, the new AmeriCorps VISTA at Tremont West Development Corporation! One of my main roles during my year of service is working towards creating an Employment Access Program for the Tremont neighborhood. Tremont West aims to become a platform for residents to find and obtain jobs in the community, as well as connecting residents to the proper training, and eliminating transportation barriers. If you [...]

August 28th, 2018|Job Opportunities|

Here’s what’s coming up next in Tremont:

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