
Tremont Farmers Market

2019-04-12T02:39:19+00:00February 27th, 2019|Categories: News|

It has been a brutal winter, but spring is near.  I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Bob Holcepl, the new Tremont Farmers Market manager for the 2019 season.  I accepted the position because Tremont is the neighborhood I call home and have deep roots in. My family moved here over a century [...]

Tremont, Duck Island, Irishtown Bend Final Food Drive Winners Announced!

2019-04-12T02:44:11+00:00January 23rd, 2019|Categories: News|

In November, Central Tremont invited other block clubs to engage in a "friendly competition" to see which group could bring in the most donations in the annual Tremont, Duck Island and Irishtown Bend Holiday Food Drive - of nonperishable food items, paper products and cash/check donations. The ultimate goal is to help food pantries, like [...]

Furnishings for A Christmas Story’s Bumpus House Returned to 1940’s Glory

2019-04-24T20:07:58+00:00December 12th, 2018|Categories: News|

Furnishings for A Christmas Story's Bumpus House Returned to 1940's Glory CLEVELAND, OH - November 27, 2018 - When the folks from A Christmas Story House decided to open the next-door neighbor's house for rental, they called Sheldon Myeroff of Chagrin Valley Custom Furniture (CVCF) to restore, repair, and recreate vintage 1940's-style furniture for the [...]

Tremont West Annual Meeting Results

2019-04-24T20:01:31+00:00May 21st, 2018|Categories: News|

Tremont West Annual Meeting Results May 21, 2018   The Tremont West Membership meeting held on Thursday, May 17th, celebrated the accomplishments in Tremont over the past year.  Richey Piiparinen, Director of the Center for Population Dynamics at the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University gave a thoughtful speech about [...]

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