

As a lively and active community, there is always something newsworthy happening in Tremont. You can find the latest news by viewing our press releases and monthly newsletter, Inside Tremont.

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In the News:

Your Neighborhood: Roy Keating

Your Neighborhood was created to give you an opportunity to get to know your neighborhood on a deeper level. We interviewed and photographed a handful of businesses, residents, organizations, and restaurants.  We hope you enjoy it and learn something new! See more features, here!   Name, Age, Occupation, Hometown  Roy Keating, 50, VP of US Sales for MTD Products Inc., Bath, Maine Why Tremont?  I like not only the diversity of Tremont, but also the [...]

October 10th, 2019|Your Neighborhood|


 Friday, Oct. 11 from 5 – 10 p.m. includes pumpkin carving and decorating, a costume contest for dogs, art openings, street performers and more “Trick or Treat: Arts and Eats” kicks off Halloween early Friday, October 11, from 5 to 10 p.m. at the October Walkabout Tremont. The event includes a variety of activities for children (like pumpkin decorating), adults (pumpkin carving) and even pets (costume contest), extended hours at art galleries and retail shops, [...]

October 9th, 2019|Events|

Your Neighborhood: Cleveland Animal Protective League

Your Neighborhood was created to give you an opportunity to get to know your neighborhood on a deeper level. We interviewed and photographed a handful of businesses, residents, organizations, and restaurants.  We hope you enjoy it and learn something new! See more features, here! Name, Age, Occupation, Hometown Sharon Harvey, President & CEO, Cleveland Animal Protective League, Watertown, MA Why Tremont? The Cleveland APL has been located in Tremont since 1913! \ What’s your favorite [...]

September 26th, 2019|Your Neighborhood|

Your Neighborhood: Beverly Wurm

Your Neighborhood was created to give you an opportunity to get to know your neighborhood on a deeper level. We interviewed and photographed a handful of businesses, residents, organizations, and restaurants.  We hope you enjoy it and learn something new! See more features, here! Name, Age, Occupation, Hometown Beverly Wurm, 72, Retired, I have lived in Tremont/Southside longer than anywhere but, was born and raised in Illinois. Why Tremont? Bought a house here 43 years [...]

September 12th, 2019|Your Neighborhood|


 “Walkabout Like a Pirate” Theme Friday, Sept. 13 from 5 – 10 p.m. includes New Art Openings, Street Performers & More Walkabout Tremont hits the high seas this month with a “Walkabout Like a Pirate” theme Friday, September 13, from 5 to 10 p.m. in honor of National Talk Like a Pirate Day later in September. Landlubbers and swashbucklers alike can see multiple art openings, enjoy extended hours at art galleries and retail shops, and [...]

September 10th, 2019|Events|

Here’s what’s coming up next in Tremont:

Find out more about Tremont West

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