Join in the Annual Holiday Food Drive for Our Neighbors in Need
This year, Auburn-Lincoln Park is inviting other block clubs to engage in “friendly competitions” to see which group could bring in the most donations for three (3) categories in the annual Tremont/Duck Island/Irishtown Bend Holiday Food Drive – of nonperishable food items and paper products along with cash and checks. The ultimate goal is to help food pantries, like St. Augustine, Immanuel Lutheran, St. Michael, St. Malachi, Pilgrim Church (Little Free Pantry), Westside Catholic Center, and Greater Cleveland Food Bank to feed our near west families and children in need in the holiday season. PLEASE NOTE: The Food Pantry at St. John Cantius is not open at the current time – and is not accepting donations. They suggest a donation to another nearby Food Pantry. Pilgrim Church’s main pantry is closed; however, they are opening the “Little Free Pantry” on the front lawn of Pilgrim for the holiday season. The “Grand Prize Winner” for the 2019/2020 challenge was Auburn-Lincoln Park – therefore, they are issuing the challenge for the upcoming 2020/2021 season.
Last season’s holiday food drive featured canned goods, paper products, and non-perishable food items collected (1,487) – and the money collected in cash and checks ($13,567).
2020 has been a challenging year for many families who have lost jobs due to COVID-19. When staff reached out to the block club chairs about doing the food drive this season, there was an overwhelming response that it is more important than ever to host the food drive. Each block club may be doing their collections a little different this year since there probably will not be any in-person meetings or holiday parties.
Here’s How to Donate and the Guidelines for this Season’s Holiday Food Drive:
Items Needed: Canned goods, nonperishable boxed food items, paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, napkins)
Counting: Food and paper products are counted individually – unless they are cellophane wrapped and sold as a set (for example a four-pack of paper towels) is counted as one item not four. Canned goods and individually wrapped paper products count as one item each.
Cash/Checks: You may also donate by cash/check if you prefer. A safe and efficient way to participate is to mail your check to Tremont West Development Corp., Re: Food Drive (2406 Professor, Cleveland, OH 44113) made out to the food pantry of your choice, noting to which block club you belong.
Donate online: New this year, you may also donate online, but please note that the donation will be minus any credit card fees charged for this service. Our plan is to have an option for you to pay the fee so that you get credit for the full donation. To donate via credit card or PayPal: visit
Suggestion: If your employer allows it – hold a Holiday Food Drive at your work, office, school, or place of employment. All donations can then be brought over and donated in your block club’s name. This is a great way to involve a wider audience in doing good, collect more to benefit our neighbors in need and the local food pantries, and help your block club in the friendly competition.
Drop-off points: Block club members can deliver food/paper products to their block club food drive coordinators or neighborhood donation centers:
- Auburn-Lincoln Park: Jonathan Petrea ([email protected])
- Central Tremont: Jennifer Zellner ([email protected])
- Duck Island: Philip Major ([email protected] and Ashley Major ([email protected])
- Holmden-Buhrer-Rowley: Deliver to Terrapin Bakery, 3146 W 14th St, Tuesday (7am – 12pm), Wednesday – Saturday (7:00am-2:00pm), and Sunday (8:00am-12:00pm) or to Angelica Pozo Studio – front porch – 1193 Holden Av.
- Irishtown Bend: Marcy VanderTuig ([email protected])
- Mentor-Castle-Clark: Deliver to Terrapin Bakery, 3146 W 14th St, Tuesday (7am – 12pm), Wednesday – Saturday (7:00am-2:00pm), and Sunday (8:00am-12:00pm) or to Angelica Pozo Studio – front porch – 1193 Holden Av
- Metro North: Maryann Balog ([email protected])
- North of Literary: Liz Gedeon ([email protected])
- South of Jefferson: Kate Carden ([email protected]) and Tom Tosuksri ([email protected])
Canned goods can be dropped off at the Tremont West offices – 2406 Professor Avenue – side porches – Monday – Friday during regular business hours.
*** Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tremont West is not allowing visitors inside our building at this time, but you may still drop off food and paper product items on one of our two side porches at 2406 Professor Avenue. Please be sure to mark clearly on the donation to which block club your items should be counted in the competition. Checks should be mailed to Tremont West Development Corp., Re: Food Drive, 2406 Professor, Cleveland, OH 44113 – and made payable to the food pantry of your choice
Deadlines: For delivery before the holidays, items must be turned in by Wednesday, December 16th. A second delivery will be made in mid-January, 2021 for items donated after Dec.16th. (NOTE: The Tremont West offices are closed December 24th – January 3rd and will reopen on Monday, January 4th). Deliveries during that time can only be made to your block club coordinators or donation locations and not to the Tremont West office.
Three competitions this year:
Canned Goods & Non-Perishable Boxed Food Items and Paper Products – the block club collecting the most items in this category receives a $50 prize donation to their block club treasury/account
Cash and Check Donations (dollar for dollar) – the block club collecting the most money also receives a $50 prize donation to their block club treasury/account – and
Grand Prize Winner – the block club’s cash & check donations are doubled (ex: $50 turns into 100 items) and canned goods and non-perishable items collected are added (ex: $3,000 in checks/cash becomes 6,000 items + 500 canned goods = 6,500 items) – winning block club in this category receives a prize of a $100 donation to their block club treasury/account.
Most important of all is the goal: lending a helping hand to neighbors – families and children – in need in Tremont, Duck Island, and Irishtown Bend – and providing help to support the outstanding work of seven Cleveland food pantries-ministries – St. Augustine Church, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Pilgrim Church “Little Free Pantry,” St. Michael Church, St. Malachi Church, Greater Cleveland Foodbank, and Westside Catholic Center – who get nutritious food to children and families all year long!
Many thanks to all of you for your incredible kindness and generosity to the food pantries and to our near west Cleveland neighbors in need! In the past three years, this friendly competition has donated $38,984, 10,382 food items, and one vehicle valued at $4,366 to our community food pantries. We know from the enthusiasm from our block club chairs, in the 2020/2021 season we’ll be able to continue in the spirit of sharing with our neighbors in need.
If you have any questions about how you or your business can get involved, please do not hesitate in reaching out to our Community Involvement Manager, Scott Rosenstein at 216-575-0920, ext. 106 or [email protected] or our Community & Equity Organizer, Dharma Valentin at 216-575-0920, ext. 102 or [email protected].